Dangerous cars have been part of the automotive landscape for a long time with several that burst into flames or fail to stop safely.

Thankfully, safety technology has advanced to a point where some cars are taking over and helping you stay out of a crash. Even so, we should give a bit of attention to the most dangerous cars in the history of the automotive world.

Ford Pinto

Some cars are rushed to the market and the Ford Pinto was one that certainly falls in this category. The Pinto was offered throughout the 1970s as an answer to the surge of Japanese and European imports. It was popular but design flaws led to its recall in 1978 with a transmission that was prone to moving into gear without the driver knowing it, but worse was the fact that it was prone to bursting into flames.

Chevrolet Corvair

This car was donned as one of the most dangerous cars ever created. It was made to compete with Porsche and other sports car brands with an air-cooled and rear-mounted engine. The Corvair had a reputation as being reckless due to not having an anti-roll bar, which also meant the steering column could end up being part of the driver in a crash. Ralph Nader called this car “unsafe at any speed.”

Yugo GV

Billed as the cheapest car in the market, GV stood for “Great Value” but this was a car that was the quintessential definition of “you get what you pay for.” The Yugo GV was a cheap car and it offered no protection in a front crash, making it one of the most dangerous cars in the market. The engine rattled and would eventually crumble apart, not what you want when you’re driving.

Ford Bronco II

The high body and the smaller answer to the market demand were this Ford Bronco II. This was an SUV designed to be agile and rugged, but it was prone to roll over, which made it one of the most dangerous vehicles in the market. A tight turn at high speeds was the main reason for many deaths in the Ford Bronco II.

Pontiac Fiero

The Pontiac Fiero was a cool two-seater roadster that would be great for car buyers on a budget, but it had some problems. The poor design of the coolant features made the Fiero prone to bursting into flames, which made it one of the most dangerous cars on the market. This car was one you wanted to drive but didn’t want to drive for very long.

Delorean DMC-12

Well known for the Back to the Future films, the actual car is one that was pretty cool but became one of the most dangerous cars in the market. There was a serious lack of safety features to make it possible for a driver to survive a crash in the Delorean DMC-12. The winged-doors lack a safety mechanism to open after a crash, putting drivers in a dangerous position.

Which car is the most dangerous to drive? Did you own one of these cars in your early days of driving? Thankfully, we’ve learned from these cars and we don’t see many of the same problems in the market any longer.

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