Gas prices go up, they come down, they go back up, and they might not come down again. How can you get the best gas mileage in your vehicle?

It’s frustrating to spend a month watching the price of a gallon of gas fall only to see it go back up. We’re already dealing with ridiculous prices at the pump; why does it need to go back up where it doesn’t belong? Although we can’t control the price of gas, we can control how efficient our vehicles are. Here are ten tips to help you get the most out of a tank of gas.

1. You’ve Got Too Much Stuff In Your Car

You’ve heard of “junk in the trunk,” well, you’ve got it. This doesn’t mean you’ve got a large backside, only that you’re probably carrying items in your trunk that you don’t need. Why do you have stuff in your car that you don’t need or use? Yes, you need an emergency kit, and that spare tire could come in handy, but you don’t need extra sports equipment, backpacks, or boxes full of junk. Get those items out.

2. Trip Planning is a Must When You Want to Save Fuel

If you’re looking for the best way to get the most gas mileage out of your car, you’ve got to plan your trips. No more heading to the grocery store several times a week because you can’t figure out what you want to eat. If you’re running errands, make sure you have several stops planned to combine all of these trips into one. This will help you save fuel and spend less time doing things you don’t enjoy.

3. Ensure Your Vehicle is Properly Maintained

There are reasons why you should change your oil and check your air filter regularly. In fact, a dirty air filter can cost you up to 10% of the efficiency of your vehicle. Oil that’s run its course only clogs up the inner workings of your engine, requiring more fuel to keep things operational. Stay on top of the maintenance, and you’ll be rewarded. Your tank of gas will last longer, and your car will also stay on the road much longer.

4. Change Your Driving Habits

Yes, your driving habits directly impact the gas mileage you get out of your vehicle. If you always have to be first away from a stop light or stop abruptly, you’re killing your fuel economy numbers. Learn to take off slower, drive slower, and stop slower. Yes, slow is the way to go if you want to save gas. When you’re driving, if you remember you need to take things slow, you might also notice that you’re calmer behind the wheel. This is simply an added benefit of taking it slow.

5. You Should Check Your Tires Regularly

The tires of your car are the only thing that touches the road. If you want to get the most out of a tank of gas, you’ve got to make sure your tires are properly inflated. Don’t have them overinflated or underinflated. The best rule of thumb is to check the tires once a month when you’re at the gas station. This way, you’re performing two tasks at the same time, which means you’re saving gas.

6. Use the Right Gas for Your Car

Hopefully, you’re not driving a car that requires higher-grade fuel to drive properly. If you are, then saving money on fuel is even more important to you. Using the proper gas ensures you get the best gas mileage during your drive. There isn’t any benefit in using Premium fuel when regular will do the trick. Make sure you know the appropriate octane rating for your car and use the gas that’s right for your vehicle.

7. Let Cruise Control Be Your Friend

If you have a modern vehicle, you might have an advanced form of cruise control that maintains the distance between you and the car in front of you. Even if you don’t have this adaptive cruise control feature, your cruise control should be your friend. This feature lowers the RPM while driving and allows you to enjoy improved fuel economy while on the highway. If you’ve got a car that calculates your fuel mileage for you, you’ll see improvements in this number when you use your cruise.

8. Idling is Bad for Your Fuel Numbers

What happens when your vehicle is idling? You’re using gas, but you aren’t going anywhere. This means the gas mileage you get when you are at a stop is zero. If your vehicle is equipped with an engine stop/start feature, don’t turn it off. This feature is there to help you maximize your fuel economy. If you’re stuck in heavy traffic or at a long light, you should shut down the car and wait until it’s time to proceed to turn it back on.

9. Avoid Driving During Rush Hour

This might take some creativity, but if you can drive to work before rush hour or leave after it’s over, you’ll win the fuel economy battle. You might need to talk to your boss and see if you can start work early or late to avoid the traffic that piles up during the morning commute. In some large cities, many workers already do this to stagger the traffic coming into the city and create less of a rush hour situation than would be the case if everyone was on the road at the same time.

10. Let the Engine Warm While You’re Driving

We live in modern times without carburetors. You don’t need to warm the engine before you drive unless you have a diesel-powered vehicle. Most engines warm appropriately while driving. In fact, by warming the engine at home, you aren’t allowing the oil to circulate properly, which uses a lot more gas than it should. If you want the best gas mileage, start driving as soon as you start the car. This allows everything to work together properly and helps you save fuel.

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