How can you get more traffic into your car dealership? Leveraging your digital marketing ROI could be a big part of making this happen.


Today’s world of marketing isn’t as much of a guessing game as it once was. We have data analytics to tell us where and when users visit a site, what ads they saw that sent them to it, and how long they stayed to look at items offered on the site. There are several great ways to use data analytics to help improve your dealership’s digital marketing ROI; here are a few tips.

What can you do differently?

Your dealership’s data might not tell the whole story and provide you with the insights you’re looking for. It could be beneficial to research your local competitors and see what you can do differently. What are they offering as promotions and marketing? How is their website set up? What flaws do you find in their system that you can do differently? What flaws did you find that are the same for your site? Learn how to stand out from your competition; this gives you a starting point.

What’s working? What’s not?

Using your data analytics, you can easily see what’s working and what isn’t. If you want to get the most out of your dealership’s digital marketing ROI, you’ve got to address this in two ways. First, allocate more funds towards things that are working. This will help boost those strategies and improve your overall performance. Second, review what isn’t working and figure out if you need to make changes or delete those strategies and focus on something else.

Review your website

When did you last perform a website audit? This audit ensures every link points to the right page, every drop-down menu works as it should, and every page appears the right way. When potential customers click on a link to your website they should be taken to the appropriate page. If this doesn’t happen, you need to make adjustments. As part of your audit, ask someone to review the website as if they were a customer using the site to gain access to your dealership information. This can tell you a lot about your site and how well it functions.

Create amazing content

Is your blog content engaging, informative, and useful? Your dealership blog should have a strong focus on addressing potential customer pain points, such as how to perform some maintenance, local business reviews, and various car features. You can go much further than this, but your content should engage your readers and give them the information they need. It’s also important to share and promote your blog on your social media channels to bring more traffic to your website.

Focus on your largest target audience

You have a much better chance of catching fish when casting your line into a school than an empty lake. The same goes for your local demographic. If you want to improve your dealership’s digital marketing ROI, you’ll need to focus on the largest segment of your target audience. This allows you to have the greatest chance of turning your marketing efforts into leads and sales. This doesn’t mean you should ignore other market segments, but you should put the greatest efforts into supporting your largest target audience.

Review your lead pipeline and sales funnel

Your lead pipeline and sales funnel need to be reviewed just as heavily as your website. Your inbound sales funnel is the most important aspect of your dealership’s marketing efforts. If you want to ensure your ROI is maximized, you need a smooth, easy, and useful lead pipeline and sales funnel. How quickly does your sales team respond to leads? Are there several points of contact throughout the sales process to ensure customers receive follow-up information and reminders?

Measure, refine, and measure again

One of the most useful aspects of today’s marketing efforts is the vast array of information available to you. This allows you to use your data analysis tools to ensure your dealership’s digital marketing ROI is maximized and protected. Once you find your next focus point, refine it, and then measure the results. If necessary, continue to make adjustments and continue to measure the results to ensure you’re getting the most out of your marketing efforts.

Your dealership’s digital marketing ROI is extremely important. Marketing is expensive, and you want to get the most bang for your buck. Using these tips, you can position your marketing efforts to return maximum results and the most value for your advertising dollars spent.

This post may contain affiliate links. Meaning a commission is given should you decide to make a purchase through these links, at no cost to you. All products shown are researched and tested to give an accurate review for you.

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