I’m not sure the full market for the new A8L Security from Audi, but let’s keep in mind that government officials and dignitaries need to travel as well and when they do there is a threat or possible threat to their lives that can be real.  Even though for the most part we don’t hear about hits on dignitaries or government representatives very often, when one does occur, this is certainly a car that would be the right choice.  I’m sure you can think of a few other customers for such a car, but for now let’s focus on the car and not so much who might own it.

The new and improved A8L Security now meets class VR9 ballistic protection standards which are the most stringent standards in place for a high security sedan for a civilian.  This car is expected to be able to take a hit from IEDs, tank shells, AK-47 fir and much more to give the occupants the absolute best chance of surviving any kind of attack.  As with any car though there are some vulnerabilities which might not actually come into play on the road, at least we hope not.

This car is limited to a top speed of 130 mph, this could be a problem.  If you are buying a car this awesome you obviously opt for the 500 horsepower W-12 engine that can be used, but this limit is electronically in place because the special run flat tires that are fitted to this car will only reach this speed.  This could pose a problem if you run up against a car that can go faster, but the realistic approach is to understand anyone will be plenty safe at 130 mph or even a bit lower because of the challenge of driving for any length of time at that speed.

For an owner who needs to arm up the car, you can actually add up to 1,322 pounds of firearms or other munitions in the vehicle and it will still perform extremely well.  This allows the protection detail of any foreign minister or dignitary to be fully armed and ready to perform their duty should the call come.  Hoping the need does not arise at least you don’t have to worry about the car becoming overweight for the highly powerful engine to do its duty.

With the highest ballistics protection rating possible this car offers the armored ride that is needed and in a high class luxury car.  The only real weaknesses this car could have are that of the people inside, which of course it’s up to the owner to ensure the detail is perfectly capable of doing their jobs without hesitation.  Once that is handled you can certainly enjoy the fact that a car of this caliber is only needed for extremely important and high level officials and won’t be used for daily driving, unless you happen to be this type of official.  Along with all the security and protection the A8L Security has an array of emergency systems to help keep you safe inside while taking care of the air quality and fires if needed, it seems Audi thought of nearly everything.

A8L Security from Audi

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