The amount of time and energy that’s spent trying to make sure we have EV and hybrid models that are right for the drive you want to make is astronomical, but the push to advertise these models seems to be slim at best. When was the last time you saw a commercial advertising the Chevrolet Bolt EV, the Nissan Leaf, the Tesla Model S or Model X, or the Prius? In reality, the only one of these that you might have seen in an ad is the Prius because Toyota has been creating and selling this car for a long time, but the rest are virtually unsupported.

While the fact that you don’t see commercials is evident, you may have no choice but to drive an EV or a hybrid model in the future. Many different brands have already told us they plan to electrify their entire lineups over the next several years which mean we won’t have a choice but to purchase an EV or hybrid model. Even though that’s an inevitability, it seems there are currently several models on the market that can give you the drive you’re looking for and the quality you want right now as an EV or hybrid.

Did You Know?

Right now less than five percent of the searches for cars online are for hybrid or EV models. The seemingly minuscule interest in these models has caused the new Presidential Administration to consider deleting the $7,500 tax credit that we currently receive when we purchase a new model that has hybrid or EV propulsion as part of the drive. This may or may not actually take place, but there had to be an end of this benefit at some point because it wasn’t a never-ending pool of money that would incentivize the purchase of these vehicles.

How can an EV or hybrid model meet all your driving needs? Consider the Chevrolet Volt for a second. This car gives you 53 miles of EV driving to start with and then an additional 420 miles of driving using the gasoline engine that’s part of the car to back up the EV system of this car. You probably don’t receive this distance in the form of range from your current model, which means you can drive farther and longer in this car than you would in most of the rest on the market. The question for this growing area of the market is whether or not we’ll see the support needed to make sure these cars can sell well and be the future of the automotive industry. We know that stricter emissions standards are part of the future and we also know that we’re going to see a need to have more EV models than ever. Eventually, these models will become the ones that are sold widely rather than the gasoline models we typically use and enjoy today. You should check out a hybrid or EV car to see if it can handle the driving needs you have before you’re forced to by the selection offered on the market.

Looking for something something slightly different? Opt for the 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe.

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