When shoppers are searching for used cars for sale, they have a certain expectation of how it will go. This expectation is partly due to the various movies showcasing the way salesmen go about selling cars.

From shady salesmen to top-notch representatives of the trade, here are some of the best movies that feature used cars for sale:

Used Cars

It’s hard to imagine the star of Escape From LA, Backdraft, and Overdraft playing the role of a used car salesman, but Kurt Russel takes on the role beautifully in the movie Used Cars. This funny drama is about a man hoping to become a senator but instead finds himself after taking over a used car dealership.

The Goods

With only three days to sell over 200 cars, Don “The Goods” Ready has to save his failing used car dealership. Can his team of sales sharks get the job done? Get ready to laugh, as this movie contains serious comedy from the first minute.

Just be careful who is watching, as this film is rated R for some of its adult themes.

The Goods-Best Movies About Selling Cars

Cadillac Man

With a cast of people like Robin William, Tim Robbins, and Fran Drescher, you know this movie has to be good. This film creates a stereotypical car salesman who sleeps with married women and makes quick money with used cars for sale. It isn’t until the boyfriend of one of his mistresses comes at him with a gun that this salesman decides to change his ways.

Cadillac Man-Best Movies About Selling Cars


Ok, so the beloved movie Matilda isn’t all about selling cars, but you have to admit that seeing a movie with Danny DeVito as a sleazy car salesman earns a spot on this list. It’s a kid’s movie, so all of his “upgrades” are pretty laughable. Can you imagine if dealers with used cars for sale used glue to hold on bumpers or turn back odometers with a drill motor?

Matilda-Best Movies About Selling Cars

Tucker: The Man and His Dream

This 1988 film stars Jeff Bridges and is directed by the man who brought us The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola. It is based on the true story of Preston Tucker. Tucker comes back from World War II with the dream of building a revolutionary car concept. Did he succeed, or was his idea a huge miss? Watch the movie to find out.


If you’ve ever searched for used cars for sale, you’ve probably wondered what goes on behind the scenes at your local dealership. While Suckers isn’t necessarily a true story, it does seem to ring some accuracy to those in the business. Take a hard look at the business when you sit down to watch this movie.

Suckers-Best Movies About Selling Cars

Not Every Character Selling Cars is Shady

Not surprisingly, Hollywood takes the Shady Used Car Salesman archetype to the extreme. And even though it’s a competitive business, not every used car salesperson is a Harry Wormwood. They know that serving the customer’s best interest is better for the bottom line.

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