In an effort to find the most environmentally friendly way to create combustion in an engine automakers have worked to figure out what the best fuel could be to get the job done. We have seen the use of hydrogen in cars, electricity and even natural gas all to get away from gasoline which produces carbon monoxide as its exhaust. What if there was a way to use something that is extremely plentiful around the world and that the world is covered in. What I’m speaking of is of course water as a fuel source and the only question is “can it be done?”

The answer is already a “yes” to the question of can it be done. A man in Brazil has created a motorbike he called the “T Power H2O” that can ride as much as 500 km on a liter of water. This Sao Paulo native, Ricardo Azevedo, demonstrates his motorbike in this video. Not only does he prove to us that this bike runs on water by drinking some of it first, he shows that it can run on water that comes from a river as well.

The process of combustion for this bike is to split the hydrogen from the water molecules using electricity. The electricity is created using a car battery and the engine is a combustion engine which uses the hydrogen as fuel, which we have seen using hydrogen tanks. The beauty of this machine is the only exhaust it produces is water vapor, which goes back into the atmosphere in a clean manner making this the perfect machine for the environment. It’s obvious Mr. Azevedo has created something that will burn clean and only add what is already present in our atmosphere, which helps to protect it from harm.

During the video he uses water from a filters jug, but he also heads to the Tiete River to show how dirty river water can be used. By using a simple filtering system he is able to put what appears to be dirty water, with just the larger particles filtered out, into the bike and ride off. When you think about how clean this bike runs and the fact that it can use dirty water it makes you think of whether or not this bike could use ocean water. If it’s able to make this work with a simple setup that is able to use a variety of fresh water types, it could be perfect for use with saltwater, by adding another filter to the process.

With a plentiful supply of saltwater around the world this would be a viable option for automakers to begin working toward vehicles that burn the cleanest and can provide similar ranges to gasoline engines. The drawback to the hybrid and EV cars we see today is their range and most of them still have a gasoline backup engine. If we could use water as the fuel source and enjoy a range that is similar to a tank of gas wouldn’t this be the perfect alternative to the gasoline engines, especially considering the time to charge an EV is much greater than any stop at a gas station?

05.09.16 - T Power H2O

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