Venue A New Name from Hyundai has Us Talking

Venue: A New Name from Hyundai has Us Talking


Recently, we’ve heard that a new trademark has been filed with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office which allows us to know that the Korean automaker may have plans for a new vehicle. While we have no idea what this vehicle might be, the name that was reserved with the CIPO is Venue. The Venue name is a bit boring and subdued compared to what we normally see from Hyundai, but it might be used for the next crossover SUV that could be offered from the brand in order to give us what we’re looking for from the brand.

The Details of the Trademark Reservation

The name Venue has been reserved for the potential use on “automobiles, sports cars, coach vans, trucks, motor buses, electrically powered motor vehicles, crossover utility vehicles, sports utility vehicles” and the like. That’s extremely ambiguous when it comes to what the new Hyundai Venue could be when it shows up, but the fact that Hyundai took the time, energy, and money to reserve this name allows us to know there should be a new model offered in the next few years from the brand that we admire and enjoy.

It Might Not be a Crossover

Unless Hyundai is moving away from its current naming structure in the North American market, the Hyundai Venue won’t be a crossover SUV at all. The current lineup of crossovers from this brand include the Kona which is named for the Canadian town of Kona, BC, the Santa Fe is named after the city in New Mexico, and the Tucson is named after the city in Arizona. The new 2020 Palisades is named for the Pacifica Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, which allows the name to keep the tradition. Unless we can find a west coast location that has a town or neighborhood called Venue, this new model might not be a crossover.

Could Hyundai Enter the Commercial Market with the Venue

The fact the filing of the name offers a serious amount of ambiguity means that we can consider all options. Is it time for Hyundai to become a brand we turn to for more commercial vehicle offerings than in the past? The new Hyundai Venue could refer to a small bus or a large van that can be the place where a group enjoys the ride to the different destinations desired.

Keep on Speculating About the Venue

The only information we can put a finger on is the fact that Hyundai is rumored to have a smaller crossover in the works that will undercut the Kona in price and size. It’s possible the Venue name will be used for this new crossover, but that’s not exactly the case yet. The development of what the Venue name will be used for is still a mystery that we can discuss and learn more about as we move forward. It’s exciting to think of the possibilities offered for this new model that might be part of the Hyundai lineup for the future.

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