Ford and GM Continue to Challenge Each Other

Ford and GM Continue to Challenge Each Other


Typically we consider the challenges between different automakers to be placed in the performance aspect of the world. When you think of GM and Ford that means you would expect to see the Mustang and

03.01.17 - Chrysler 200

Financial Reporting Causes Bold Moves by Two Automakers


Detroit is still the heart of the American automotive world and even though FCA is officially listed as registered in Amsterdam its operations are mostly out of the Auburn Hills area just outside of Detroit.

01.18.17 - Retro Ford Logo

Hybrids Have Come So Far


There once was a time the term hybrid would only bring you the thought of the Toyota Prius and wouldn’t invoke any form of excitement in your mind. Today we see hybrid technology being used

11.28.16 - Chevrolet Guinness World Record

Trading Records


There is an old song with lyrics that sing “Anything you can do, I can do better” and this is the perfect song to put in your head when you think of these two automotive

11.21.16 - Ford Evasive Steering Assist

The Next Step in Autonomous Driving from Ford


The technological advances we already enjoy on our vehicles are numerous and allow us to have the experience from behind the wheel that we desire. Many vehicles are now offered with ways to avoid crashes,

02.17.16 - 2016 Ford GT

Let’s Go Racing


Do you remember what we saw at the 2015 Detroit Motor Show? I sure do, we saw Ford come out with the biggest surprise unveiling we have ever seen in the form of the new

02.12.16 - 2016 Ford Explorer

A Large SUV Battle


When you look to the large SUVs of the world you see fewer and fewer of the body on frame designs and many more of the unibody versions. Even at the top of many lineups