When you peruse Craigslist do you wonder if the person who wrote the ad actually thought about what they were saying during their advertisement or are they just desperate to get rid of something.  At times these ads can offer a bit of wit and with other you almost feel sad for the person writing the ad and want to find a way to help them out.  How about we take a bit of a comedic break and take a look at some Craigslist ads that were awful when it came to selling cars.

2007 Saturn OutlookThis car was advertised by a person in Detroit, MI and offered the vehicle for $550 FIRM, but also mentioned they needed the car gon ASAP ( not  a typo they actually wrote gon instead of gone).  The vehicle offered no title and needed a great deal of work in order to make it run again, but the more concerning aspect of this vehicle is the fact it appears to be sitting in the middle of a crime scene.  Was this vehicle part of a mass murder?  It doesn’t seem to have any bullet holes in it, but who knows.

2002 Buick Rendezvous – Offered with a plethora of spelling errors such as “shows you how fast your going while you stair out the windshield” and a couple redundancies like cold AC and hot heat this vehicle overall looked like a good deal.  Of course the seller does not wish to have any low offers as they state “i know what the truck is worth”, at least they used the right form of know for that particular statement.  Is this worth the price with a transmission that does not work and certainly gives you reason to be alarmed, that is for you to decide, I’m just here to provide you with a bit of entertainment.

2000 Toyota Tocoma stake bed – What a truck, not only is a model I’ve never heard of (Tocoma) but it also is a stake bed with two- toned paint that was somehow offered on the 2000 model.  The owner even is willing to toss in a crate that is bolted to the frame at no extra cost.  Is there any way you can pass up this amazing truck that is listed for only $3,500; I would certainly think and hope so, although the “30+ around town” makes me wonder.

1989 CamaroDo you want a car that was last registered to a deceased ex Father-in-Law?  Or should you buy a car that is being sold “do to divorce”?  The picture for this car says it all as it sits behind a tree forgotten and not running for over ten years, making it a good parts car.  At $500 this car actually might not be a bad car to rebuild or use solely for parts, but with title issues you might have a hard time.  The real question is “did anyone use the broken toilet while admiring the Camaro?”…Hmmm.

1977 Dodge CamperA camper could make for a great vehicle to see the country and have that road trip you have wanted for many years, but this one is an interesting find.  Needing “A LIL TLC”, a batter, a new fuel line and some work the owner will be glad to toss in some sealant for the one roof leak that is found in the top of the camper.  Although this camper offers a bathroom, cooktop, refrigerator and two places for beds you might avoid this as you just might end up with a disease you weren’t expecting from this camper.

Pontiac Trans AM – A Smokey and the Bandit version of the Trans AM sounds like a lot of fun, but this one looks like it belongs in the crusher along with the spelling of the seller.  This car offers all parts except the driver’s door and apparently the hood.  The “truck and truck lip is all good” sounds a bit ominous, but who knows, for $700 you might truly enjoy this car, provided you can find enough bondo to fix the body and don’t mind the need of a tetanus shot at least once a year.

1990 Mazda Miata – This was an interesting build, what prompted someone to change a Miata into a Rat Rod I can’t imagine.  This completely changes the appearance and more than likely the performance of this car as well.  While the ad is absurd enough the fact that this thing features a Mercedes- Benz hood ornament and an open wheel design is interesting, unique and well…. really ugly.  Instead of asking someone else to pay $1,500 to buy this abhorrent machine, the seller should be offering to give someone money to take it away from them…ugh…. and really ugly.

Airplane Corvette Custom Project One of a Kind – Wow, just wow! this really is a Corvette that seems to have been blended with an airplane.  This seller was probably the person putting GI-Joe parts on Barbie dolls as a kid, geesh.  Why you would destroy a perfectly wonderful automobile in the Corvette and destroy it in this manner.  If this thing actually ran in this form I would be amazed and calling it a project and one of a kind certainly is one way to describe it, but this is a build that is better off being none of a kind and being put through the crusher at the local junk yard.

Even though it seems these different Craigslist ads would be possible, they are perfectly real, check out the link and have a few great laugh.

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Airplane Corvette Custom Project One of a Kind

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