It’s fun to see a magic show and wonder how the magician pulled off the tricks they perform. Over the many years of performers who try to use illusions and sleight of hand to amaze us the trick have gotten more intricate and elaborate to continually test the boundaries of our visual senses and find ways to trick our minds into believing what we see and not what we don’t see. Faraday Future appears to be using similar trick and sleight of hand with their vehicle possibilities. With a flair for the dramatic they hinted at a new model recently.

At the Long Beach Formula E race, which Faraday Future is a sponsor of they had a booth set up that was covered in a sheet. They could have had just about anything hiding under that sheet, but in dramatic fashion there was just enough lighting and just enough reflection for us to see there was something lurking behind the sheet. What was this thing that had to remain covered up? Why couldn’t we get a full glimpse of it? Obviously this was the plan all along for Faraday, to hide what was behind the sheet and keep us guessing.

Even though Faraday Future has yet to announce when its first offering, the FFZERO1 which is a gorgeous all electric sports racing car that was revealed at the Consumer Electronics Show, has not set a date for release it appears they are hard at work on another vehicle already and one that will enter a large selling part of the market. What appears to have been hiding behind the sheet at the Long Beach race was an SUV, but not just any SUV, the look and design were similar to a coupe-like version that would put it in a class with the BMW X6 and Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe.

Is Faraday Future planning to build an SUV as a partner to the FFZERO1? This would make perfect sense with the market heading in the direction of high priced ultra-luxury SUVs that can drive like a car and give more space for cargo and people in them. By creating this vehicle Faraday Future can be a manufacturer that is not only great for the racing world but also for anyone who can afford to buy an SUV that has a high price but hopefully offers us a long electric range with excellent power.

So far all of this is speculation because all we have seen is a silhouette behind a sheet and have no real information from Faraday Future. Is this their way of playing coy and leading us on? Most likely, but it grabbed and held our attention with the FFZERO1 before they showed it off at CES this year so why not use the same tactics when it comes to the next model they plan to produce? Hopefully there will be a location where they intend to reveal this new vehicle for us to admire and enjoy in its concept form later this year.

06.02.16 - Faraday Future FFZERO1

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