We know the future of driving involves the use of EV models that have to be charged when you’re running low on the electric power that’s found under the hood. It’s probably going to be a long time until we see the charging times that are similar to the amount of time it takes you to fill your gasoline-powered models with fuel. Because this is a challenge that faces the EV manufacturers, namely one that relies solely on EV models as their products, something needs to be done so that you have activities to occupy the time you have.

With this in mind, we might see the return of an older style drive-in restaurant that was part of the 1950s nostalgia we used to enjoy. The idea of having a drive-in restaurant where the staff rolls around on skates, and neon lights are glowing, makes perfect sense. This would certainly be one answer to what you can do with the time you’ll have when you stop to charge up your car, especially if you drive a Tesla and the charging stations offered are the Superchargers that Tesla loves to make sure we can have for the quick charging time.

Are there other options?

What else could you do with the time you have while your car is charging? Think about the fact that you’re going to have between thirty minutes and a full hour off the road while your car spools up to nearly eighty percent of the full charge to allow you to get back on the road. This is time that you could use to get some exercise, making a gym with several Superchargers a great idea for what Tesla can offer when you want to have the ability to charge up during your drive.

Of course, we’ve already seen banks of these Supercharging stations put at some of the upscale shopping centers around the country to give us the ability to stop, charge up, and take some time to shop or eat. Many of these shopping centers offer a variety of stores and services including bookstores, clothing stores, and several restaurants to be excellent places where you can spend some time while your car is charged back up to at least eighty percent of the charge so that you can get back on the road and get on your way.

Of course, a couple of other ideas could be a movie theater or a place to take a nap. Imagine bringing back drive-in movie theaters because there are charging stations present at the theater that you can pull up to and be able to watch a film while your car charges up. With this benefit, you might be able to get a full charge before you get back on the road. If a comfortable nap area was created that gives you a small, quiet room to take a snooze for an hour that would certainly help you if you’re getting tired on the road. There are tons of great ways you can spend the time and it seems the Tesla team has the right idea.

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