Why would digital marketing be more important when digital ad spending is down across the board? Probably because we’re preparing for an economic rebound.

Many industries, including the automotive industry, have taken hits during the global COVID-19 pandemic which caused most businesses to spend less on digital advertising during 2020. In fact, the auto industry was down 18.2 percent this year, however, a rebound is expected as we move toward 2021.

Mobile Advertising is More Important than Ever

Globally, ownership of desktops, laptops, and tablets has declined. With more dynamic mobile devices than ever before, more people are using their smartphones for searches, advertising, and social media. Because of this movement, it’s more important than ever that auto dealers spend money on mobile ads as part of their digital marketing plan. While the movement toward smartphones and other mobile devices is strongest in the younger generations, older users are still using their PCs and tablets more than smartphones. This means a car dealer can’t forget the importance of having a website that shows consistency across all platforms.

Since the pandemic began, more people are making use of laptop and desktop computers, which may be a result of the number of people working from home.

Ad Spending is the Result of Increased Use

Ensuring your digital marketing strategy engages both mobile and PC users alike are extremely important when spending on advertising. Online ad spending is expected to increase moving into the next year. The car dealers that are prepared with the right ads in the right places will grab the attention of users and have the best chance of turning a visit to your website into a sale.

Digital Video is Becoming More Popular than Broadcast TV

Watching shows through digital media and taking advantage of videos posted online have increased exponentially during the pandemic. Most of the TV shows that were offered were reruns of shows that many had seen previously. Because of the stay at home orders, many online users had more time on their hands than before.

This increased use of online media for entertainment leaves the door open for more online advertising. Ensure your ads are being placed where your customers will find them. With this, your digital marketing can be a huge benefit to your business and allow customers to see what your dealership is offering.

Print Media Might be Dead –Finally

For several years, newspapers and magazines have hung onto print media even though there was a decline in the subscriptions of both. These media organizations turned to online offerings of what they used to only print and distribute. Online subscriptions have increased around the world, which offers you the opportunity to bring our digital advertising to your customers through these companies.

While print media might be mostly dead, the online versions of trusted names can be where your ads have the most impact. Ensure your digital marketing includes adding your advertisements to the local news media and magazines that are most popular among your target audience.

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