Considered by many to be the first true SUV, the Chevy Suburban has been around since 1935 this big brute can last a long time. Here’s proof.

Chevrolet Suburban: A History of Durability

The Chevrolet Suburban has been around for generations. A dozen in fact, as the 2021 Chevy Suburban marks the twelfth in the storied Suburban lineage.

It wasn’t until the release of the seventh generation that they began to resemble an SUV, however. But starting with that first generation, the Suburban had a reputation for durability.

12 Generations of Chevrolet Suburban: A Look at the Lineage


Generation Years in Prod. Engine Wheelbase Body
First 1935-1940 3.4L 113.5 2-Door Wagon
Second 1941-1946 3.5L & 3.7L 116 2-Door Wagon
Third 1947-1954 3.5L & 3.9L 116 2-Door Carryall
Fourth 1955-1959 4.3L & 4.6L 114 2-Door Carryall
Fifth 1960-1966 3.8L-5.4L 115 2-Door SUV
Sixth 1967-1972 4.1L-6.5L 127 3-Door Station Wagon
Seventh 1973-1991 4.0L-7.4L 129.5 4-Door SUV
Eighth 1992-1999 5.7L-7.4L 131.5 4-Door SUV
Ninth 2000-2006 5.3L-8.1L 130 4-Door SUV
Tenth 2007-2014 5.3L-6.2L 130 5-Door SUV
Eleventh 2015-2020 5.3L & 6.2L 130 GMT K2YC
Twelfth 2021-? 5.3L, 6.2L & 3.0L LM2 134.1 GMT T1XX

Durability in the modern SUV is something seen across most models in today’s market. Technological advancements get the assist for the modern version’s enduring strength.

There are some basic tips you can follow to help your Suburban cross that 200K mileage threshold. And with proper care, it’s not far-fetched for it to last even longer.
Before we get into the tips and tricks, consider if a long-lasting vehicle is something you want.

Sounds silly, but think about it, if you marry a vehicle for the long haul, you’d better make sure you’re in love. Like a bad relationship, don’t get stuck with the same Suburban if you like something new. Because a well-maintained Chevrolet could mean a relationship of upwards of twenty years.

In other words, consider your future needs before committing. And definitely pack in all the amenities you see fit for the long haul.

Chevrolet Suburban: Tips to ensure Longevity

Here are some tips to keep that motor running smoothly now and well into the future.

• Stick to your owner manual’s maintenance schedule.

• Follow the extreme-use or severe-use schedules line-by-line and to a tee.

• Don’t use generic parts as they don’t offer the same quality assurances as on-brand parts.

• If your vehicle requires premium-grade fuel, pass up on the cheap alternative.

• Keep abreast of any potential problems—prevention is the best medicine.

• Keep your vehicle clean inside and out – this helps you notice small things before they get out of control. Nip any problems in the bud and your Suburban (and your wallet) will thank you.

• If you don’t know what’s wrong with your Suburban, take it in to a Chevrolet Service Professional.

There are no guarantees, but by following the manufacturer’s guide, you can reach the 200K mark—and beyond.

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