Buick Envision

Buick Shows Us Just how Small the World Is


Not only is Buick one of the most popular brands in China but there is a Buick Plant in China that is building the Envision, which is a crossover SUV that will be placed between

Airplane Corvette Custom Project One of a Kind

A Step into Craigslist Hilarity


When you peruse Craigslist do you wonder if the person who wrote the ad actually thought about what they were saying during their advertisement or are they just desperate to get rid of something.  At

lamborghini hybrid

Can a Supercar Continue to Leave out Technology?


When you think of Lamborghini you think of a name that has led the industry for years as one of the most innovative and technologically advanced automakers in the world.  With that in mind the

2016 Blue Hyundai Elantra

Insurance Deals that are Just Awful


When you purchase a vehicle part of the equation is always the cost to insure the item.  Insurance protects everyone involved, especially when you have made the purchase in a way that sets up payments

volkswagen scandal

In the Wake; Volkswagen is Saving Money


With the world wide scandal of emissions standards that were revealed earlier this year for the diesel engines of Volkswagen the thought would be that Volkswagen has taken a huge hit and a step back. 

2016 blue Chevrolet Bolt

Here Comes the Bolt


Did Chevrolet do this to try and confuse us or is it simple a change from one format of a hybrid/EV vehicle to another?  Having the Volt and Bolt made by the same company, and

Nissan GT- R

The Misfit Four


Around Christmastime each year we get to see the movie Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and learn once again about the misfit toys.  While the four cars I am about to introduce you to have

2016 Infiniti QX50

Improvements Galore on the 2016 Infiniti QX50


It’s interesting to see what models paved the way for others to come along and participate in the luxury crossover SUV game.  The QX50 was one of the first compact versions made and was first

Porsche 911 R

Because the Purists Groan


  What does it mean when a car company chooses to take a step backward and not continue forward?  If the company name is Porsche its cause for alarm in some cases, but before we