Hyundai Sonata Hybrid

Green Driving from Hyundai


The Sonata has had hybrid technology for a few years now.  Hybrid technology was first considered a response to the high rise of fuel prices in the world but as the price at the pump

Tonka inspired Toyota 4Runner

A Tonka Toy


That really might be a play on words, but imagine the days of old when you sat out back playing with your Tonka trucks and imagined the work you could get done from your bulldozer,

China's Used-Car E-commerce

China’s Used-Car E-commerce is Rising Rapidly


BEIJING, July 30, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — On July 14, 2015, Yicheng Xie, the vice president of China’s largest used-car e-commerce platform,, shared his perspectives on the prospects of the used-car market in China and

Car Dealer Inventory

Dealers, Diversify Your Inventory Marketing Strategy


The more we work with car dealers, the more we realize that there are certain fundamentals that are pretty universal. Everyone has a website. Just about everyone is posting to some third-party sites. Nearly all

2016 Subaru Outback

2016 Subaru Outback: A Familiar Favorite


The Outback may have been a SUV/wagon that seemed like a cult invention for several years, but so many have found a use for this amazing vehicle that it no longer is just a small

2014 Range Rover Sport

Cars Loved by the ‘Frat Bros’


Even if you have passed by your frat days long ago, or you are a woman and never would have considered being a “Frat Boy” you can certainly appreciate the cars that have come across

Car Shopping at Night

When Do Dealers Need Chat on Their Websites?


During a recent car-buying adventure which I tend to do way too often (I like a new vehicle every two years, max), I noticed there was a difference between many of the websites I visited.

Civic Tourer wagon

Reaching a New Fuel Efficiency Mark for Guinness


Some of us dream of one day being entered into the Guinness World Record books either for a talent or an act that makes us famous or in some cases infamous.  On the famous side,