These days, it is not uncommon to see some cars reach up to 300,000 miles or more. Buying used is becoming more and more viable, and people should know all there is to know about buying a used vehicle. So, what is the right amount of miles to consider if you are considering buying a used car?

Is There Such Thing as Too Many Miles?

Is there such a thing as too many miles? The short answer is yes, but it is a little bit more complicated than that. In the mid 1900s, owners were thrilled to see their car reach 100,000 miles, but now that feat is considered the standard. In fact, 100,000 miles isn’t even the halfway point for most makes and models. These days, car owners expect their vehicles to reach at least 250,000 miles, and some expect their cars to surpass the 300,000 mark with ease.

What you might be surprised to know is that sometimes, not always, cars with less miles can be worse off than cars with more miles. In this case, more miles is not necessarily a bad thing, which is exactly what makes this so complicated. And this is where upkeep comes into play. A car with more miles but better upkeep tends to be the better choice for someone looking to buy used cars. It’s not all about what the speedometer has to say. A car with 100,000 miles on it that has sat in a garage for too long versus a car with 160,000 miles on it that has been regularly serviced might be worse for wear.

While a low speedometer reading might be tempting at first glance, make sure to request a used car’s records to see what has been up to recently, and to see if it has been serviced on a regular basis. You want something reliable, not something that is going to need fixing right after you buy it.

What Brands to Look Out For

It should come as no surprise that some brands are better at longevity than others. Reputation and consumer reports will tell you that Lexus, Toyota, Acura, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Volvo, Mercedes Benz, and GM are the most reliable car brands, especially when it comes to buying a used car.

So, when it comes time to browse online or visit a used car dealership, you might want to keep these brands in mind. Again, mileage is important, but a car’s service records will tell you what kind of shape a car is actually in.

Is More Than 100,000 Miles Okay?

Yes, 100,000 miles or more is going to be just fine when purchasing a used vehicle. But, it should be noted, that usually when a car surpasses 100,000 miles, it will most likely need some repairs and services. Some parts that typically need replacing or fixing are the plugs, starter, alternator and the timing belt.

After 100,000 miles, you should most definitely be prioritizing a well maintained car. It’s just a fact, though, that when a car’s miles increase, the value of that car decreases. All in all, don’t worry too much about a car’s mileage because if you can find a car that has been treated right, then it will treat you right.

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